Tuesday 26 July 2016

Visit to Mini Plant Mon 25th July

David Snoswell organised a trip to the Mini Plant in Oxford for a tour through the body shop and assembly lines. 14 shedders went on the trip, which proved to be extremely interesting and informative. Stopped at the Crown & Horns pub in East IIsley on the way back for a bite to eat.
The body being assembled
Mini Museum
Assembly Line
Fitting the wheels

Sunday 24 July 2016

CIO Status achieved

On the 21st July, we were informed that we had been granted CIO status by the Charity Commission:

Registered Charity Number  1168361 THE COLDEN COMMON SHED 
We are pleased to tell you that we are satisfied  THE COLDEN COMMON SHED is established for charitable purposes for the public benefit. It has therefore been entered onto the Register ofCharities with the Registered Charity Number 1168361.

We are now a step nearer to the new shed that we are planning.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Charitable Status

As it looks like we will have to plan to build a new shed, we have applied for CIO status. This will help us when applying for grants and other funding to support this new project.
We have also been given a 25.5 year lease on land behind the Terrapin building on the Church Rooms land in Colden Common, which is the planned location of the new shed.
Once the CIO status has been obtained, we will be applying for planning permission for the new shed.